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Jamie Starke

I develop for my career, but I also develop for fun, and whenever I think it can solve a problem I'm having. This has lead me to create side projects, such as Rental Map and BusTimes, among others.

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A good example of how to use functions is a the following modified version of assignment 2.

import sys

#define the variable I will use throughout the program
xcenter = 400
ycenter = 300
scale = 30

#convert an x value from cartesian coordinates to screen coordinates
def cartx(x):
    x = scale * x
    x = xcenter + x
    return x

#convert an x value from cartesian coordinates to screen coordinates
def carty(y):
    y = scale * y
    y = ycenter - y
    return y

#find the y value for the given a,b,c,d and x values
def formula(a,b,c,d,x):
    y = a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d
    return y

#Draw the curve defined by a,b,c and d from a beginning cartesian value to an end cartesian value
#approximating by delta cartesian units
def draw(a,b,c,d,begin,end,delta):
    x = begin
    while x < end:
        y = formula(a,b,c,d,x)
        y2 = formula(a,b,c,d,x+delta)

        print "line",cartx(x),carty(y),cartx(x+delta),carty(y2)		

        x = x + delta

#Draw Axes through the center
print "line",xcenter,0,xcenter,ycenter*2
print "line",0,ycenter,xcenter*2,ycenter

#label X axis
i = 13
while(i > 0):
    print "line",cartx(i),carty(0.25),cartx(i),carty(-0.25)
    print "line",cartx(-1*i),carty(0.25),cartx(-1*i),carty(-0.25)
    print "text",i,cartx(i),carty(-0.75),"label" + str(i),"center"
    print "text",-1*i,cartx(-1*i),carty(-0.75),"label" + str(-1*i),"center"
    i -= 1

#label Y axis
i = 10
while(i > 0):
    print "line",cartx(-.25),carty(i),cartx(.25),carty(i)
    print "line",cartx(-.25),carty(-1*i),cartx(.25),carty(-1*i)
    print "text",i,cartx(-1),carty(i-0.25)
    print "text",-1*i,cartx(-1),carty(-1*i-0.25)
    i -= 1	

#Assume we want the program to run the first time
answer = "yes"

#While the user wants to draw a curve
while answer == "yes":
    #Get a,b,c,d from user
    sys.stderr.write("input a:")
    a = input() # 0.0
    sys.stderr.write("input b:")
    b = input() # -0.1
    sys.stderr.write("input c:")
    c = input() # 0.0
    sys.stderr.write("input d:")
    d = input() #8.0

    #Where do we want our curve to start and end, how much do we want it to go up by
    begin = -14
    end = 14
    delta = 0.1

    #Draw Curve

    #Ask if the user would like to draw another curve
    sys.stderr.write("Would you like to draw another? ")
    answer = raw_input()


In this example, we created a few helper functions, like the ones below to convert values between cartesian values and screen coordinates

#convert an x value from cartesian coordinates to screen coordinates
def cartx(x):
    x = scale * x
    x = xcenter + x
    return x

#convert an x value from cartesian coordinates to screen coordinates
def carty(y):
    y = scale * y
    y = ycenter - y
    return y`

The core of the program, that is, the drawing of the curve was also done using functions, as seen here

#Draw the curve defined by a,b,c and d from a beginning cartesian value to an end
cartesian value

#approximating by delta cartesian units
def draw(a,b,c,d,begin,end,delta):
    x = begin
    while x < end:
        y = formula(a,b,c,d,x)
        y2 = formula(a,b,c,d,x+delta)
        print "line",cartx(x),carty(y),cartx(x+delta),carty(y2)
        x = x + delta